Sunday, May 19, 2013

p38-mediated senescence

A Posttranslational Modification Cascade Involving p38, Tip60, and PRAK Mediates Oncogene-Induced Senescence

Molecular Cell, 16 May 2013

I'm glad the authors defined the word "senescence" in the first sentence. I had also never heard of PRAK or Tip60, so I was off to a pretty bad start with this paper. Fortunately it was pretty straightforward: they used yeast-two-hybrid to find that Tip60 interacts with the kinase PRAK. Then they did a ton of experiments (manifested by an even greater number of western blots) to show that ras-activated p38 phosphorylates both PRAK and Tip60, which also acetylates PRAK. These modifications activate PRAK, which has pro-senescent properties.